Engage. Inspire. Empower.

Homework Hotline

Already know what to do? Jump down to the Hotline!

Homework Hotline - Free online tutoring with CCS core Certified teachers. See page for details.

Introducing the CCS Homework Hotline! 

Having trouble with your homework or concepts taught in class?  Use our NEW Homework Hotline!

Our very own certified CCS teachers are standing by every Monday through Thursday evening to answer your homework questions via a Google Meet. We have 15 hotlines, separated by grade level and subject, so no matter the question, we have an expert to help!

How does it work? 

It's easy! Simply find the Homework Hotline for your grade-level and subject that you are having trouble in. During our operating hours, click on the "Homework Hotline" button to join a Google Meet with one of our certified teachers specializing in your grade-level and subject matter. You and your Homework Hotline teacher will meet in a private "breakout room" so you can ask your questions and get one-on-one help. It's that easy!  


The CCS Hotline is: 

  • FREE!

  • Available to all CCS students in all core subjects

  • Taught by certified CCS core teachers

  • Available every Monday through Thursday during the following hours:

    • Elementary: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

    • Middle/High: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Accessing the Homework Hotline is Easy!

Please click on the video or the step-by-step instructions below to learn how to access the Homework Hotline for your grade and subject. Answers to many of your questions can be found in these directions!

Watch this 2 minute video to learn how it works!

Let's get started! Please select your grade level below: